Optimum Nutrition - Serious Mass | Supplement Warehouse
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Optimum Nutrition - Serious Mass
Serious Mass is the ultimate in weight gain formulas. With 1,250 calories per serving and 50 grams of protein for muscle recovery, this instantised powder makes the ideal post-workout and between meals shake for sizing up your goals.
Serious Mass provides you with the tools you need to pack on the pounds and help you develop the physique you’ve always wanted. Serious Mass is a substantial weight-gain supplement that can be used to feed serious calorie needs in a variety of different ways.
Adding Calories Has Never Been This Easy or Tasted So Good
Key Points:
- 1,250 Calories
- 50 g of blended protein
- Over 250 g of Carbohydrates with NO ADDED SUGAR
- Creatine, Glutamine, and Glutamic Acid
- 25 Vitamins and Essential Minerals
Serious weight gain requires serious calories. However, those who need the extra calories most, often have the toughest time consuming enough of them. For many aspiring to be bigger, highly-active metabolisms, weaker appetites and on-the-run lifestyles make consuming sufficient calories through whole foods alone a real challenge. With Serious Mass, you've got nothing to lose and lots to gain.
We've consolidated over 1,250 calories, 50 grams of protein, 250-plus grams of carbohydrates, and 25 vitamins & minerals with added glutamine and creatine into every serving. Serious Mass provides you with the tools you need to pack on the pounds and - when coupled with serious weight room effort – develop your physique to the fullest. It's time to stop thinking small; get serious - Serious Mass!
Add two heaping scoops of Serious Mass to a blender filled with 710 ml of water. Blend for 45-60 seconds. Then add a few ice cubes and, if desired, other calorie-contributing ingredients and blend for an additional 30-45 seconds.